Living Room |
Knowing many aspects on
home design is the best solution for your great
home building. When we have to build our
home but we don’t know any kind of building literature, we may use professional
home designer or architect. Professional like they are usually viewing their customer needs to synchronize with all the condition such as topography, land type, general environment and more. One thing for sure when we build our home for our best place for living should fit some
Room availability is the most importance thing for comforting our movement and activity.
Gate, is the first entrance access into our home.
Parlor, place for take on all the guests who has visiting our home.
Living room, the most used
room in our home.
Living room activity such relaxing and gathering with all the part of our family, watching movie, chat and more.
Bedroom |
Bedroom (rest area ^_^), use to be the most comfortable place to make our condition feel great again by take a good rest here. Good
bedroom design will take good effect in our recovery time a.k.a resting. Then the next
room is
kitchen, housewife area. Cooking foods, making cake and whole activity should be more comfort in great
kitchen design.
Dining room, the next
room to follow-up the food has cooked by our mother.
Dining room furniture choice which is matched by the theme will bring more good effect on us.
Bathroom, usually best place to make our body fresher by take a shower. Making good
bathroom design will allow you get the health quality of live.
Backyard, any outdoor occasion we do like barbeque party, enjoying afternoon tea time, playing with the kids will be joyful here.
Backyard design should be match with the theme of our home back side. Move inside again, if the soil condition enable we can make our
basement. Here the professional hand needed,
basement design, basement placing, wet or dry condition making, plumbing, water proofing etc will made good
basement. Oh we almost forget the
garage, car, motorcycle, tools can be saved in our
garage. Good
garage management such as selves decrease room utilization.
Parlor |
Minimalist Living Room |
Bedroom Design
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